Pyroluria is a unique metabolic condition that is very rarely recognized in both the medical and natural health world. Pyroluria Supports Pack is a supplement protocol to help individuals regain their health!- Dr. Jockers
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Pyroluria Support Pack

What is Pyroluria?
Pyroluria is a unique metabolic condition that is very rarely recognized in both the medical and natural health world. Some researchers in orthomolecular medicine and orthomolecular psychiatry believe that up to 10% of the population has this metabolic condition. It is considered to be the most common unknown disorder by many in the functional medicine world.
Pyroluria is a genetic condition that is typically related to familial alcoholism and/or environmental toxicity. If an individual has a family history of alcoholism they may very well have this genetic mutation. It can be induced with childhood trauma or a chronic infection early in life. The onset usually begins in the late teens and is often triggered by a traumatic life event.
Check out this article here for more details on Pyroluria
What is the Pyroluria Support Pack?
Pyrolurics need a specific diet, lifestyle, and supplementation program to get well. This is the supplement program that goes along with the specialized nutrition plan.
In particular, Pyrolurics need these key nutrients:
ProEPA w/Concentrated GLA:
Gamma-linolenic acid appears to play an important role in nerve health as well. Metabolites of GLA support nerve function because of their role in nerve membrane structure, nerve blood flow, and nerve conduction.
Research suggests that impaired conversion of linoleic acid to GLA may affect nerve function and that exogenous administration of GLA can support and protect nerve health.
ProEPA with Concentrated GLA provides key omega-3 fatty acids and ample GLA to support the development of healthy neurons and create an anti-inflammatory environment within the body.
Normal Protocol: 2 caps – 1x daily with food
Advanced Protocol: 2 caps – 2x daily with food
Probiocharge 30:
Good health begins with the health of your gut. If your gut is damaged or you have an abundance of pathogenic microorganisms it is impossible to be healthy. The gut must be addressed daily for one to live a lifestyle that builds health.
Normal Protocol: Take 1 capsule daily with or without food
Advanced Protocol: Take 1 capsule – 2x per day with or without food or as directed by your health care practitioner.
High Energy Support:
High Energy Support provides generous levels of B vitamins, which serve as prime coenzymes in glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation, and as cofactors in amino acid and lipid metabolism.
The balanced presence of B vitamins in this formula is essential to their cooperative functioning and excellent for those with stressful lifestyles.*
The broad spectrum of nutrients delivering antioxidant activity in the formula includes natural vitamin E, vitamin C, selenium, zinc, beta carotene, and trace elements. The balance of these provides for effective antioxidant functioning; they often work synergistically to regenerate each other and maintain consistent levels of antioxidant activity both intra- and extracellularly.*
Normal Protocol: Take 2 capsules – 2x daily with food
Advanced Protocol: Take 2 capsules – 3-4x daily with food
B6 Power:
The most common form of vitamin B6 that is sold on the market is in the form of Pyridoxine hydrochloride (PNHCl). When compared with pyridoxal-5-phosphate (P-5-P) supplements, PNHCl requires an additional enzymatic step in the liver to be converted to the form utilizable by the body.5,6
Many practitioners recommend P-5-P supplements over PNHCl supplements for this reason1 and because there have been more reports of adverse effects with the use of high doses of pyridoxine.7
But for pyridoxine to be used by the body it must first be converted to pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (P5P), a process that takes place in the liver.
Individuals with compromised liver function have difficulty making this conversion and consequently may be at risk of a vitamin B6 deficiency.
Supplementing with B6Power ensures you receive the most bioactive form of vitamin B6.
Normal Protocol: 1 cap – 3 times daily (with or without food)
Advanced Protocol: 2 caps – 2-3 times daily (with or without food)
Zinc Charge:
Zinc is a foundational mineral and one of the most common deficiencies in the world. Zinc is essential to human and animal growth patterns and has a vital role in the development of hormones and immune molecules. Zinc is one of the best mineral supplements to boost and balance out a tired and overstimulated immune system.
Pyrolurics are moderately to severely deficient in zinc and need strong supplementation.
Normal Protocol: Take 2 capsules – 2x per day with food
Advanced Protocol: Take 2 capsules – 3x per day with food or as directed by your health care practitioner.
*It is always strongly advised to consult with your medical or natural health physician before beginning any supplements.*
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† These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.