I use this with individuals who have poor thyroid T4-T3 conversion without elevated liver enzymes. When the individual has poor T4-T3 conversion with elevated liver enzymes, I use Thyroliver protect which contains 100 mcg of selenomethionine per capsule. Additionally, I will use this in cases of low selenium status on red blood cell or hair mineral analysis with normal liver enzymes. - Dr. Jockers
Let's discuss the key benefits of Selenium (L-Selenomethionine):

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Selenium (L-Selenomethionine)
What is Selenium and Glutathione Production?
Selenomethionine contains 200 mcg of selenium bound to the amino acid methionine. It is a well-absorbed form of selenium. A significant body of research supports its benefit in numerous situations such as assisting with healthy thyroid function.
This chart goes over the selenium requirements for people of all ages. Most people are getting far short of this RDA.
How does Selenium affect Cell Function?
Numerous epidemiological studies have found that maintaining normal serum selenium levels can be associated with support of normal cell function and differentiation, as well as healthy heart, connective tissue, eye, liver, and thyroid function.
Selenium supplementation also may exert a protective effect against mercury, cadmium, and other heavy metal toxicities.
How are Selenium and Thyroid Hormone Metabolism connected?
Selenium is incorporated into key enzymes involved in several metabolic pathways implicated in thyroid hormone metabolism; additionally, it plays an antioxidant role in the regulation of the immune system. There are strong links between selenium deficiencies and auto-immune thyroid problems (1, 2).
It has been hypothesized that these compounds activate a complex defense system that maintains normal thyroid function by protecting the gland from both hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), produced by thyrocytes and oxidative stress.
This is the major cofactor for the key thyroid enzyme 5’deiodinase which is what converts T4 into T3. 5’deoidinase also degrades the inactive rT3. Studies have indicated that individuals with lower selenium levels are at higher risk for low T3 (3). Selenium has been shown to reduce rT3 levels and improve active T3 status (4). It also reduces anti-thyroid anti-body formation (5, 6)
What is the recommended dosage?
Normal Dosage: 1-2 caps daily with or without food.
How should I begin taking this product?
When introducing a new supplement, we recommend beginning with 1 at a time and/or the lowest dose for 2-3 days. As tolerated, increase the dose until you have reached the recommended normal or advanced guidelines. Reduce to a tolerable dosage if adverse effects occur.
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† These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.