Research has shown that components of chlorella help to assist in controlling chronic inflammatory and allergy-like responses of the immune system. I really like and personally take and give my kids RecoveryBits Pure Chlorella bits.- Dr. Jockers
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Supplements You Can
What are Bits®?
We refer to our algae tablets as bits® because they are nutritionally dense bits of food. Algae is a sustainable, Non-GMO vegetable crop we grow organically in triple-filtered spring mountain water and press into tiny tablets that contain 60% protein, 40 vitamins/minerals, and high chlorophyll but NO caffeine, sugar, soy, binders, gluten, toxins, chemicals or processing. Nothing added. Nothing subtracted. Just 100% pure nutrition. The way food should be.
Fast and easy Plant-Based Nutrition
Each of our algae tablets contains the same nutrition as a heaping plate of vegetables.
• over 60% protein (3x steak)
• high chlorophyll (500x arugula)
• high organic iron (48x spinach)
• high ORAC/antioxidants (45x broccoli)
• high beta carotene (20x carrots)
• high vitamins and minerals (over 40)
• high electrolytes including magnesium, potassium, calcium
• high essential fatty acids including Omega-3
Why choose RECOVERYbits?
CHLORELLA IS A HEALTH, WELLNESS & DETOX GREEN ALGAE. Chlorella’s high chlorophyll (1000x greens), high RNA/DNA, high fiber, 40 vitamins/minerals remove toxins and help improve immune health, gut health, longevity, and sports recovery. This keto, plant-based food can replace veggies/greens and supplements. Our chlorella is chlorella pyrenoidosa - the most nutrient dense chlorella with the highest chlorophyll.
What is the recommended dosage?
Minimum Dosage: 2-3 tablets daily
Immune Support Dosage: 5-10+ tablets daily
Cleanse & Greens Replacement Dosage: 10-20+ tablets daily
Detox & Athletic Recovery Dosage: 20-30+ tablets daily
Chew, swallow with a glass of water, or blend into your favorite smoothie.
How should I begin taking this product?
When introducing a new supplement, we recommend beginning with 1 at a time and/or the lowest dose for 2-3 days. As tolerated, increase the dose until you have reached the recommended normal or advanced guidelines. Reduce to a tolerable dosage if adverse effects occur.
When do I take them?
Take your algae tablets any time you like, as often as you like. Remember, they are just a dried vegetable and an ingestible FOOD (not a supplement). Take chlorella tablets any time of day for immune support and gut health and before bed to help with detox, sleep, bowel movements and recovery from workouts or drinking.
Is your Algae safe?
YES! We do third party lab testing in the USA at an FDA- approved lab to confirm the nutrition, safety and purity of all our algae. We also test for heavy metals (lead, mercury etc.) and neurotoxins and share all these lab tests with our practitioners so you can be 100% confident our algae is safe.
How is your Algae grown?
Like many vegetables, our algae is grown in water. We grow ours organically in outdoor farms in Taiwan, using triple filtered spring mountain water to ensure its purity and safety. We then air dry the algae into powder and press it into tiny tables we call bits. Our growing and drying processes are done with the most rigorous standards of quality and purity which we have been awarded the GMP certification (Good Manufacturing Procedures) and ISO9000 certification. We then import the tablets in bulk to the USA where we test them at an FDA-approved third party lab for purity after which they are packaged at an FDA-approved facility so we can share them with you!
Is your Chlorella Cell wall cracked?
YES our chlorella cell wall is cracked. Sound Vibration is used to crack our chlorella algae’s cell wall. This is the only method that guarantees there will not be any lead in the chlorella and preserves all the nutrition since no heat is used.
† These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.