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Full Moon Parasite Challenge Pack
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Full Moon Parasite Challenge Pack Full Moon Parasite Challenge Pack Full Moon Parasite Challenge Pack Full Moon Parasite Challenge Pack Full Moon Parasite Challenge Pack

Full Moon Parasite Challenge Pack

Full Moon Parasite Challenge Pack uses several supplements to help eliminate parasites!

  • $149.00
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Using anti-microbial herbs can help to cleanse your body of unwanted pathogens and kill parasites.- Dr. Jockers

Let's discuss the key benefits of Full Moon Parasite Challenge Pack:

Why Use Full Moon Parasite Challenge Pack?

  • This protocol uses a number of anti-microbial herbs that help your body kill parasites and cleanse from unwanted pathogens!
  • Para 1 contains a powerful herb that is known for its antimicrobial, antifungal, antiviral and antiparasitic properties!
  • Para 1 supports the intestinal tract!
  • Para 2 aids in killing parasites and their eggs!
  • BioToxin Binder aids removing toxins from your gut!

I did the beginning 3 day full moon cleanse. I had amazing results! I was stunned at what I saw but so thankful to get them out of me. This product works. I will be doing again and now my family will be as well. - Kelly

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Full Moon Parasite Challenge Pack

What is the parasite activity during the full moon? 

Parasites exhibit biological rhythms (1). Researchers continue to study how the biological rhythms of parasites are regulated and exhibited. Disrupting parasite rhythms can be helpful for eradicating parasites (2).

The full moon is associated with higher parasite activity. Your body’s circadian rhythm responds to the moon’s cycle. Parasites are more active and reproductive, coinciding with your circadian rhythm.

During the full moon, we produce less melatonin and more serotonin. Melatonin is the neurotransmitter that helps you sleep and helps to control your immune system. With lower levels of melatonin, your immune system does not fend off parasites as well (3).

Serotonin, your “feel good” neurotransmitter, increases during the full moon. Like humans, parasites have receptors for serotonin (4). Parasites use serotonin to help them move. With access to more of your serotonin, they have more movement. The combination of less melatonin and more serotonin gives parasites a heightened ability to move around and cause issues.

What are the supplements to use for parasite cleansing?

Para 1

Para 1 contains the seed of the mimosa pudica plant. The seed is a gooey, fat-soluble material that adheres to everything to support the entire intestinal tract. It is often referred to as a “gut scrubber.”

For more information on mimosa pudica seed, check out this article.

Para 2

Para 2 is a great immune system support against parasites. This product combines a powerful combination of multiple herbs like amla fruit and clove bud to kill parasites and the eggs they lay.

This formula is specifically designed for powerful immune and digestive support. This proprietary blend helps to maximize the body’s ability to boost immune system function and detoxification. 

BioToxin Binder

It is important to use a binder with any parasite cleanse protocol. BioToxin Binder contains a special form of carbon that has greater binding ability. It also contains wild-crafted yucca root and fulvic acid.

BioToxin Binder will bind to the toxins in the gut and bloodstream and help to remove them from the body. This will prevent waste from being released into the GI tract, which can negatively impact your health.

How do I do the Full Moon Challenge?

The full moon challenge protocol targets parasites during this time of increased activity and reproduction.

Start the full moon challenge shortly before the full moon and complete it shortly after the full moon. You will use the three supplements discussed above, Para 1, Para 2, and BioToxin Binder.

These are the steps to complete the full moon challenge:

  1. Choose The Length of the Protocol: You can do it for 3, 5, or 7 days.  The length of the challenge is based on your tolerance.  If you are a highly sensitive individual, you may just want to begin with a 3-day protocol and see how you do with that.
  2. When To Begin: If you are doing the 3 days, start one day before the full moon and end one day after. If you are doing the 5-day, start 2 days before the full moon and end 2 days after. If you are doing the 7-day challenge, start 3 days before the full moon and end 3 days after.


What is the recommended dosage? (Dependent on your protocol)?

Para 1: Take 4 capsules, twice daily on an empty stomach.

Para 2: Take 4 capsules, twice daily on an empty stomach.

BioToxin Binder: Take 2 capsules, three times daily. BioToxin Binder can be taken with or without food. For maximum potency, we recommend taking it between meals.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Customer Reviews

Based on 20 reviews
Jeanette Fischer
This cleanse really works!

I’m am amazed at how well this parasite cleanse worked. I did the seven day cleanse around the full moon. I was shocked at how much I expelled. I never knew this many parasites can live inside me. I am now going to do this parasite cleanse once every quarter.

Marie Helms

I have been blown away by the results!


I did the 5-day detox my first round. I eat a pretty clean diet but have never done a parasite cleanse. However, I have taken several rounds of Ivermectin over the past few years, so I was not expecting to see many parasites. I was shocked at what I passed. There were several one-foot-long fibrous structures in my feces. Since the detox I have felt lighter and clearer. I would recommend this detox to anyone who has never done a parasite detox.

Beth Hjort
First Time Use

I'm very encouraged and hopeful. I have used the protocol once during the recent full moon. I goofed a bit getting started the first of the three days but got it straightened out for the last two days. I feel like I noticed one change that might have been affected by this first trial. I didn't know if the skin issue was parasite related but I had a feeling it could be. So far the bothersome itching has abated. It's wonderful. I haven't detected any other changes that I can wonder about being related, but I was raised on a farm for the first 16 years of my life...I figure anything is possible. Thanks so very much for this opportunity.!! I'll be waiting for the next full moon.

David Will
Full Moon Parasite Cleanse

I would recommend this product. However, you did not send instructions with the cleanse. Instructions on the bottle are somewhat helpful, but if not taking on the full moon, what is the protocol? Had to look up instructions online. You could use the mailing to promote other items.
No receipt with the products. Hope this is helpful to make your company promote better service.

Thanks D. Will! is solely an online store that utilizes a small team. By doing so we not only are able to keep products at MSRP or MAP but we are able to offer discounts on products such as providing support packs, monthly sales as well as unique sales to our texting community and free shipping for orders over $49. We utilize a 3rd party fulfillment company to fulfill orders from our online store platform. Part of the checkout process is a requirement for email and we use this communication method to provide order status including receipt details and tracking notifications for the order. In shipments customers receive a packing slip for what products and the quantity included in the shipment. All of the information for our products are found on the product page as well as additional resources including our supplement catalog. Individuals can customize product dosage and protocols based on recommendations working with health coaches, your own practitioner and/or by utilizing the various free resources of information in articles compiled by Dr. Jockers and his team on numerous health subjects of interest to our community. We hope you understand our need to provide as much information as possible and also maximize our potential to keep cost as low as possible. Printing paper guided protocols would require a considerable amount of time and resources from our team and we find that the majority of our community has access to the information online. When they do not and our sales team receives and inquiry, we help individuals with step by step instructions to locate and print information if they desire. Blessings to you!

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